R. Mathai / C. Wilkie
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
Course Description
AVID 11 is a course designed to infuse the learning outcomes students need to achieve their Career Life Connections requirements with the refinement of academic success strategies promoted in AVID. Students will also develop other strategies considered necessary to be able to adapt to the ever-changing demands of life in the 21st century. The focus is on those skills defined by University faculty to help them succeed in post-secondary and in one’s chosen career. If the students use these strategies on a regular basis, they will meet their academic goals while in high school and be prepared for the demands of a post secondary education.
Learning Outcomes
- Through an ePortfolio or scrapbook, as well as personal reflections, students will articulate awareness of his or her learning, planning and preparation for life after high school.
- Participate productively in a group (Socratic seminar, project-based learning groups, and on-line setting).
- Practice types of communication necessary in post-secondary and the workplace, such as telephone, writing, digital and oral presentation skills, as well as on-line virtual communities.
- Identify and practice personal managements skills, including time management, goal setting, personal resource management.
- Describe the process of goal setting and set tentative career goals.
- Identify and practice effective study skills (note-taking, SQ5R method of reading a text, organizing study groups, learning logs, just to name a few).
- Navigate on-line databases for research purposes.
- Recognize the contributions of volunteer work to personal development, scholarships and employability.
- Initiate communication with career professionals in order to build on a resource network to assist with future education and career goals.
AVID 11 Projects & Marks Distribution
Information Interview
Socratic Seminar
Academic Research
Pecha Kucha Presentation
AVID Strategies
Personal Reflections
- students will meet Grad Trans requirements through the successful completion of each, as well, they must provide evidence of completing at least 30 hours of paid word or volunteer experience and hand in a record of participating in 100 hours of physical activity.
Formative/Summative Assessment
Students will have an opportunity to receive constructive feedback on their work prior to submitting the projects for final assessment. Performance rubrics will be provided to students when the project is assigned. Project components will be assigned strict initial due dates, then assessed to provide feedback, after which it will be up to the student to use this feedback to improve their work by the final due date. Failure to have work completed by the initial due date, will result in missing out on valuable feedback and no opportunity to later improve their mark.
Students will also receive feedback on their progress using AVID strategies (agenda use, binder organization, Cornell notes, learning log, and tutorial participation) and receive suggestions on how they can improve.
Student Expectations/Conduct
AVID is a program for students who want to strive for excellence and achieve academic success. Students are expected to keep on an academic path for entrance to college/university programs of study and NOT choose the easy way through high school. In order to achieve greater success, students are expected to use learning strategies advocated in the AVID program, such as agenda use, Cornell note taking, and learning logs. AVID students are expected to attend their classes and complete all assignments in all subjects on time and to the best of their ability. AVID students are also expected to act responsibly and respectfully in their classes and at school. Students not fulfilling this expectation may be asked to leave the program.
Field Experiences & Guest Speakers
ACSS and the AVID program provide many opportunities for students to visit post secondary institutions, places of business, and hear from various career experts. Students are encouraged to participate in as many of these opportunities as possible.
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
Course Description
AVID 11 is a course designed to infuse the learning outcomes students need to achieve their Career Life Connections requirements with the refinement of academic success strategies promoted in AVID. Students will also develop other strategies considered necessary to be able to adapt to the ever-changing demands of life in the 21st century. The focus is on those skills defined by University faculty to help them succeed in post-secondary and in one’s chosen career. If the students use these strategies on a regular basis, they will meet their academic goals while in high school and be prepared for the demands of a post secondary education.
Learning Outcomes
- Through an ePortfolio or scrapbook, as well as personal reflections, students will articulate awareness of his or her learning, planning and preparation for life after high school.
- Participate productively in a group (Socratic seminar, project-based learning groups, and on-line setting).
- Practice types of communication necessary in post-secondary and the workplace, such as telephone, writing, digital and oral presentation skills, as well as on-line virtual communities.
- Identify and practice personal managements skills, including time management, goal setting, personal resource management.
- Describe the process of goal setting and set tentative career goals.
- Identify and practice effective study skills (note-taking, SQ5R method of reading a text, organizing study groups, learning logs, just to name a few).
- Navigate on-line databases for research purposes.
- Recognize the contributions of volunteer work to personal development, scholarships and employability.
- Initiate communication with career professionals in order to build on a resource network to assist with future education and career goals.
AVID 11 Projects & Marks Distribution
Information Interview
Socratic Seminar
Academic Research
Pecha Kucha Presentation
AVID Strategies
Personal Reflections
- students will meet Grad Trans requirements through the successful completion of each, as well, they must provide evidence of completing at least 30 hours of paid word or volunteer experience and hand in a record of participating in 100 hours of physical activity.
Formative/Summative Assessment
Students will have an opportunity to receive constructive feedback on their work prior to submitting the projects for final assessment. Performance rubrics will be provided to students when the project is assigned. Project components will be assigned strict initial due dates, then assessed to provide feedback, after which it will be up to the student to use this feedback to improve their work by the final due date. Failure to have work completed by the initial due date, will result in missing out on valuable feedback and no opportunity to later improve their mark.
Students will also receive feedback on their progress using AVID strategies (agenda use, binder organization, Cornell notes, learning log, and tutorial participation) and receive suggestions on how they can improve.
Student Expectations/Conduct
AVID is a program for students who want to strive for excellence and achieve academic success. Students are expected to keep on an academic path for entrance to college/university programs of study and NOT choose the easy way through high school. In order to achieve greater success, students are expected to use learning strategies advocated in the AVID program, such as agenda use, Cornell note taking, and learning logs. AVID students are expected to attend their classes and complete all assignments in all subjects on time and to the best of their ability. AVID students are also expected to act responsibly and respectfully in their classes and at school. Students not fulfilling this expectation may be asked to leave the program.
Field Experiences & Guest Speakers
ACSS and the AVID program provide many opportunities for students to visit post secondary institutions, places of business, and hear from various career experts. Students are encouraged to participate in as many of these opportunities as possible.